Ayose nos envía este email:

Casi atropello a un cachorro y no pude dejarlo en la calle.
No puedo quedarme con él porque no tengo donde ponerlo y no he encontrado a
nadie que lo quiera, pero me niego a llevarlo a una perrera. Solo tiene 2 o 3 meses.
Ayose did send us this email:
I almost did hit this puppy with the car and could not leave him on the street. I can not keep him because I have no place for him and I could not find anybody who wants him, but I do not want to take him to the dog-pound. He is only about 2 to 3 months old.
Ayose did send us this email:
I almost did hit this puppy with the car and could not leave him on the street. I can not keep him because I have no place for him and I could not find anybody who wants him, but I do not want to take him to the dog-pound. He is only about 2 to 3 months old.
erhielten diese Mail:
Nachdem ich den HuHund
fast versehentlich mit dem Auto angefahren habe, nahm ich ihn mit. Das Problem
ist, dass ich ihn nicht behalten kann, weil ich zu wenig Platz habe. Leider finde
ich niemanden, der ihn haben möchte, deswegen hab ich ihn ins Tierheim gebracht. Er ist ca. 2-3 Monate alt.
Contacto: AYOSE: