

 Vaya foto mas bonita! BONNY, que ahora se llama PAULA, aquí con toda su familia!
Bonny que nació como NO deseada... junto con sus herman@s Vicky, Cherry y Amon, fueron dejados por otros a su suerte, siendo todavía muy pequeños, en el campo! Sobrevivieron gracias a la comida recibida a diario por Virginie. Por fin poco a poco logramos cogerlos y ofrecerles una vida mejor.
What a beautiful picture! BONNY, now called PAULA, here with her whole family!
Bonny was born as NO desired... together with her brothers and sisters Vicky, Cherry and Amon, they were left by others to their fate, while they were still very young, in the field! Survived by food received daily by Virginie. Finally we catch them slowly and gave them a better life.

Gracias a nuestro contacto en Alemania Tierheim BIELEFELD tambien BONNY encontró su familia!
Thanks to our contact in Germany, Tierheim BIELEFELD, also BONNY found her family!

 No dudamos que ella está MUY FELIZ!
We have no doubt that she is VERY HAPPY!

Gracias Fam. H. por adoptar y compartir estas fotos con nosotros!
Thank you H. Family for adopting and sharing these pictures with us!